Biography of Laxmi Prasad Devkota

How to get success like Ronaldo and Messi?

 Motivate your own life... 
Life is everything that we have, we do, from born to die. Life in my prospective is a such luxurious moments given by supernatural blessing in different religious aspects. Listening to different fable story related to supernatural power there may entrench new prospective related to topic. The most highlighted thought that I want to express is that life can turn mirthful only if the individual destroy vindictive throught. There are many scoundrel people in our area who go through immoral activities which makes their life ruin. 
It's own ur hand wanna make ur life mirthful or ruin. 
Sharing knowledge.....
Talking about the life of Ronaldo and Messi,Infact they had face lot of soretrails. The selfish eye of human can see only the sucess. Just this is a humanity nature,noone sees the problem and soretrail they face.
My oponion is the life is your,You are the driver,you face many passenger. Talking about the Passenger some of are good but other are bad . So friend drive your life safely.
Good Luck

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